Summer is here! It has been a long year and half for all of us, but hopefully things are starting to improve, enjoy a new beta of ROTT 1.4 and have some fun!
ROTT was developed by my friend Crash Cortez originally. A few years ago I hopped on the development team and have since taken over the project. I am now the owner and head developer as of version 1.0.8. Currently we are at ROTT 1.3. ROTT 1.3 plays Atari to Dreamcast and PSP, Saturn works many games. Currently ROTT is run on Debian Stretch. We have a custom build, with overclocking enabled, and the gpu is overclocked from 500mhz to 600mhz. The cpu can be overclocked from 1.8 up to 2.1. Retro Pie on the Tinkerboard brings out the boards retro gaming abilities while keeping It in a nice, simple, and great looking front end. It supports themes as well, along with box art, videos for games, and bezels. Recent developments have lead to Libretro Reicast core working, this allows the use of Sega Naomi roms. Note: only rott 1.0.7 and onward has overclocking. Please note, the development team does not condone, or support piracy, please make a legal copy of your own game titles.
To control overclocking, use cpufreq
**R.O.T.T 1.4 Changelog: 1. Add Arduous core, Arduino Arduboy emulation. 2. Update Retroarch to 1.10.3 3. Fix issue with build script and directories that interfered with configs and caused freezing in Retroarch menu. 4. Added Retro 8 Pico 8 core, some games work, some are buggy. Use .p8 files. (this core is alpha, and has been added to the runcommand so it can be rebuilt by the user when updates happen) 5.Updated ScummVM Core to latest. 6. Updated MAME core to latest. 7. Added SameDuck emulator, for MegaDuck/CougarBoy 8. Added DosBox Pure, offers on screen keyboard while in game. 9. Added Burgertime clone to ports. 10. Added Xrick core, Rick Dangerous game port. 11. Added Cgenius, Commander Keen to ports. 12. Added Lutro LUA game engine. 13. Added Chailove LOVE engine. 14. Added MU Palm OS Core. 15. Added Digger Remastered port. 16. Added Libretro Cannonball port. 17. Updated underlying OS libraries to latest versions that are still compatible with the build, preserving 200MHZ CPU and the 100MHZ GPU overclock in the custom kernel. 18. Added Tiger LCD Games. 19. Added Konami LCD Games. 20. Added LCDGames (generic folder for bandai and others). 21. Added FreeDink, Dink Smallwood Engine. 22. Added FreeSynd, Syndicate Engine. 23. Added HCL, Hydra Castle Labrynth port. 24. Added SDL Bomber, Atomic Bomberman clone. 25. Added ntfs3g and fuse, allowing users to use NTFS SD cards for games or storage on Tinker S. Format your card as NTFS and put all your rom folders at the root of your freshly formatted SD. sudo mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /home/tinker/RetroPie/roms <--- to mount your NTFS SD card overtop of your current roms folder, it will replace what is in there only while mounted. You can use crontab or fstab to do this mount automatically at boot (use google).
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ROTT 1.4 Beta: This is still a work in progress, SD card does not auto expand and you will need DD or Gparted. This was done in response to community request as per reply on Facebook group.
Login: tinker Password: tinkerboard
R.O.T.T V 1.3:
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