Today (11-28-22) we release Beta 1 of Slash TV for the Odroid N2L. This is a slimmed down and improved Odroid N2+
This is built on stock 9.0 firmware and retains all of its functions and features. I have added Magisk and Play store, along with Viper FX for custom tone and bass control.
Retroarch 64, Dolphin MMJ, PPSSPP, M64 and several other emulators come preinstalled, as well as ATV Launcher to create a more controller friendly user interface. You will still need a mouse/keyboard at first setup for tasks such as entering your Wi-Fi information.
Certain android games such as GTA have been tested and seem to work well. Dolphin and PSP have a fair number of titles that play well, but not every game runs well.
Netflix SD APK can be installed via a google search and will allow 480p Netflix playback. Plex and other media platforms can be installed via Play store.
I will update this post once the video and image are finished uploading in the next two hours. And will also be working on a Linux OS for this device.
You can find more information about the device here:
Download for Beta 1:
Links can be found Below, under the videos.
Slash TV is a retro gaming OS combined with a media center. It is a creation by myself. This build came about as an attempt to push the limitations put on Retro Pie by Debian Linux. Android was used as the base and it works a bit better with the hardware, on Slash TV Sega Saturn emulation is working, Netflix, Kodi, and Plex Media Server also work, many builds now support moonlight. File transfer is done via Es File Explorer. A fair amount of sweat and hard work went into this build, it is my baby, and I am very proud of it. Rooted, with play store access(on most devices). Recently partial Vulkan support has been added into our test versions on tinkerboard, look for it in a future release! Please note, the development team does not condone piracy, please make a legal backup of your game roms.
The link below has a few releases, This is the standard Slash TV set up to resemble Android TV. 5/12/19 Slash TV has just received a major update. The link has been updated with the new version. This the tinkerboard release with partial Vulkan support and even more stability. root has been changed to the newest version of super user. Version 3 is the standard release with the android TV look and feel, works well with mouse or controller. The builds are set up to work best with a controller vs a mouse/keyboard. Zips are split into several parts, download all zip files in the folder. If you use an image for your sized sd card and it says the file is too large, use win32diskimager and when it prompts you, allow it to cut off the last bit of the file to fit, its just empty space anyway. Touchscreen is also confirmed working. Odroid XU4 and RockPro64 have recently been added to the supported devices, links below.
Please note, you can expand the image to fill a larger SD using gparted.
A review was just released today (4/5/19) on Slash TV, have a look:
Asus Tinkerboard Links Below:
Slash TV 3.4 has just been released! it has 16, 32, 64 gig versions available, I will probably make a 128gb image also. no roms are included, only the system and emus.
64GB Image:
16GB Image:
Slash TV v3 Marshmallow(Rooted-Playstore)
Slash TV v3.2 Nougat(Rooted-Playstore):
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more links below videos.
Odroid N2
Slash TV on the Odroid C4 has moved to Stable.
This build has root access enabled, Playstore preinstalled, comes with Retroarch64, PPSSPP, Yabasanshiro, Mupen, Kodi 18.8, Plex, Moonlight and Parsec preinstalled.
Vulkan API also works, it is based on the stock HardKernel latest release.
2021-10-23 It's Androids birthday! So, we have released a new Stable 1 fully updated image, with magisk added.
The download link:
Support has just been added for the Odroid C2. This build works with Netflix, Plex, Hulu, Kodi, PlayStore has been added. It plays Atari to Dreamcast, Retroarch is installed. Moonlight and Parsec are functioning for users to stream from pc to device. Enjoy
Slash TV Beta1 Odroid C2 Link:
Slash TV Beta 2 V2 is now available for the Odroid N2! It features a working Moonlight, Plex, Kodi, VLC media player, plays Atari to DC, has RetroArch, supports USB OTG which enables BT and WIFI dongles to work. Root can be enabled in V2 by clicking build info 5 times to unlock developer settings, then going into developer settings and activating root.
Slash TV N2 Beta 2 Link 16GB:
Recently I have completed the beta for Slash TV 64 bit, which has Vulkan drivers and a playable GameCube, the zip with the beta in the name is most recent, it includes the play store and Netflix, along with Kodi and various emulators, V2 now available!!!
link below:
New N2/N2+ Slash TV Stable 2 2021/10/23:
Happy Birthday Android(October 23rd is 12 years since 2.1 release)
This build has Moonlight, Parsec, Retroarch 1.9.11 64 bit, Yabasanshiro, Mupen 64, Redream, PPSSPP, Kodi, Plex, DIG front end, The kernel has been patched to allow Magisk to run. Audio Modification Library and Viper are installed to give the user greater control over the gain, bass, treble, tone, and effects of their audio playback.
The newest addition to the Slash TV OS, Sponsored by The Retro Arena, the current build is beta 1, and will be updated asap. Playstore is included in this build, along with Plex, Youtube, VLC media player, Retroarch, Mupen, Yaba Sanshiro, the older systems,.
Slash TV Beta-2 SD:
Today the first beta of Slash TV for the Odroid XU4 has been completed. This has Netflix, Kodi, Plex, VLC, RetroArch, Mupen, PSP, Yaba Sanshiro, it runs Atari to dreamcast, Moonlight is also supported, allowing users to stream content from PC to xu4, this allows users to play their PC games, ps2, wii, wii u, gamecube, ps3 using their nvidia GPU. a solution for non Nvidia GPU is also being tested.
Slash TV-XU4-Beta1-16GB:
This tiny SBC is packing a 1.4Ghz octo-core processor, 1GB ram, and 400Mhz GPU. Very small and lightweight device, works very well with my 3.5 inch LCD display. After much trial and error, some partition resizing, and lots of Linux tinkering, Slash TV is ready for a beta release! Retro Arch seems to be a bit picky on here, but it doesn't matter as multiple other emulators that play the same games are available. Play store is available also. Slash TV beta 2 just finished.
Link for Slash TV Beta2(newest):
A look at Slash TV on Nano Pi Fire 3
An Alpha of Slash TV for the Raspberry Pi 3B has just finished, it is new and has some bugs. Netflix is not working. no Dreamcast, only some PSP games work. However, this release brings full n64 support, which before right now was not available. The menu screens get buggy but gameplay is fine, full speed, full sound.
Raspberry pi 3b+ is also supported now, in alpha form. This is based on the non commercial release of Emitra OS for rpi3b+, it is not being sold, endorsed by any company, or used to make any kind of profit in any way. Kodi is working, PS1, N64, Dreamcast, all the older systems.
link for Slash TV RPI 3B and 3B+:
Here is Slash TV for the Khadas VIM 3 and 3L, it is flashed using Kresq
Vim 3L Link:
Vim 3 Link:
to install this image simply flash the vim3 kresq img onto an sd card and place the kresq file on that sd card, boot from sd and flash to emmc
Tech Toy Tinker