The Vulkan release of Tomato OS for the Trimui Smart Pro is available now. It has 100 systems, and numerous apps for tasks such as the LEDs showing your battery level, and Dingux Commander.
PortMaster is also being brought to the device by kloptops.
A readme/instructions can be found in the zip. Tomato goes onto the root of your micro-SD. To flash stock firmware 1.0.4 keep the .awimg at the root of a Fat32 SD and hold volume down while powering on.
Download full base(solo fw zip is not needed but fixes a mame issue internally, will be needed when PortMaster adds the Ports section to the main UI instead of the Games section.):
This is the beta work in progress of Retro Arena RC 2.3.8. Please take note of the folder included into the zip, place the contents of the folder onto an NTFS or Ex FAT micro-SD card. HDMI and Sleep are not yet working, most everything else should be working great. We have opted to keep the old kernel and not use mainline or Vulkan, this let us preserve armhf and the 32-bit applications and libraries.
This works like an Odroid Go Ultra, to flash from Windows PC you require Balena Etcher, turn the device off, power it back on while holding r2 and l2, and you will be greeted by a white screen with a penguin, connect your usb cable to the 5v and the PC, Etcher will be able to see it as storage.
This build is a work in progress and the first of its kind, Powkiddy has sent a dev unit to one of our team members to have this image worked on for this device! It has over the air updates, theme master, ports master, advanced mame for arcadia, astrocade, adventurevision, and more.
SD2 auto mounts at boot, NTFS, FAT32, EXFAT and EXT4 have been tested. Please report bugs on Discord or Facebook.
Work In Progress download:
Recently we have released Beta 1 of Retro Arena for the Gameforce Chi. This device is an rk3326 that has a non rotated display and LED lights. Use home and 1 or 2 to scroll through the LED colors. When playing N64, Dreamcast or Saturn use RetroRun instead of RetroRun32. Start and Select are the hotkeys to open the RetroArch menu. The SD card /roms partition is NTFS and should auto expand at first boot. If for some reason it does not, there is a script in tools to repeat the process.
This is my second firmware release for the Pocket Go S30 Device, it has 3 themes in it. Jetup made the Robust theme and Gubot made the other 2. Retro Game Corps made the first update pack which brought this unit from about 12 systems to 25, and now I am releasing another update pack which includes his pack, and adds 50 more systems and ports. Bkacjios also deserves thanks for his help getting retroarch gui to be rotated correctly and support l2, r2 and joystick.
You can find things like Doom, Outrun, Wolfenstein and several other ports, along with new systems like SNES MSU-1 and Neo Geo CD, among many others. You simply add your games and your bios (of systems and games you own) by placing the SD card in your PC. Please note this is a full setup and you can drag and drop it to the root of a fat32 formatted micro sd card and use it after adding games/bios. The filesystem structure of this build has changed, as such there is now a retroarch folder at the root, and the cores/bios go there. Bios belong in the system folder, cores in cores. You can also find your save states and game saves in their folders. PSX has been moved to Retroarch and now supports save states. If you have issues moving too slow on Parallel or Mupen, open the RetroArch menu, go to settings, then input, and increase analog sensitivity and deadzone.
If you have issues pressing select as the coin button, press power to open the RetroArch GUI, go to settings, input, and remap start and select by pressing a on the icon and then pressing the button select. Do not touch the joystick settings, feel free to remap anything else. If you with to make the RetroArch GUI bigger, navigate to settings, user interface, appearance, and change menu layout to handheld for xmb. For LGUI it is user interface, appearance, menu scale factor. Do not use ozone. The other three are ok.
PocketGoS30RetroArchGUI.rar is the base package, there is also an important update package, to install that simply drag and drop to the root of your SD and allow it to overwrite all files, then delete the .cfg files from /bin on your sd as they are now in the retroarch folder. This will also add a couple of new systems, and the retroarch assets for the GUI. There is a read me in the zip.
I hope you enjoy this release!
Work in progress with EmulationStation and RetroArch 1.9.9:
Tech Toy Tinker