This device is quite unique, and is a creation from myretrogamecase. Ducalex has done the bulk of the heavy lifting porting retro go from the Odroid Go to this device. As such, it can play Mastersystem, Game Gear, Lynx, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Nintendo NES, Coleco, SG-1000, and a couple other potential emulators such as Atari 2600 are in the works.
Links for the Alpha(work in progress image) and websites can be found below. We are looking into ways to automate the build process of this firmware, but for now, I will replace the file below whenever there are new changes.
**Should you ever softbrick your device, there is a dump.bin and tutorial to recover below.
**The blue green GBC you see in the photo on the right is a custom prototype, if you would like one you must contact me via email or directly email myretrogamecase to express interest.
*How to flash firmware to your device:
1. Insert micro SD from the inside of the GBC cart into the computer, then navigate to espgbc\firmware.
2. Download the latest Retro Go .fw (1.28 currently, listed below) and place it into the folder you navigated to in step one.
3. Insert the micro SD back into the cartridge and insert the cartridge into the GBC.
4. Press the volume button in and hold it while turning the power on, count to 3 and then power it off.
5. Release the volume button and power the device on, you should be greeted by a GBC bios screen followed by a bootloader menu.
6. Navigate to the desired firmware and press the A button, then press start.
7. Allow the device to finish the update and it will reboot into the firmware, and the folder structures will be created on the SD if any were missing from the previous stock firmware.
**Current FW is 1.29
- GBC: Dinky Kong & Dixie Kong (and probably others)
- GBC: Fixed SRAM saving not working correctly (thanks to Jarrad Edwards!)
- NES: Added basic NSF support
- NES: Added support for mapper 30
- SMS: Performance improvement
- DOOM: New PrBoom port included. (DOOM I, II, SIGIL, and Freedoom work well but occasional OOM crashes remain)
- Launcher: Got rid of the occasional SPI mutex error
- MRGC G32 (GBC) is now fully supported (Hopefully) ***
Releases · ducalex/retro-go (
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Source Code:
ducalex/retro-go: Retro emulation for the ODROID-GO (
All systems are now working, as is save states.
How to re-flash your ESP32 GBC bootloader(bin file at bottom of page).
This will be the build released to the public when it is finished.
This is a very cool project! It is using a real Game Boy Advance shell, with X and Y buttons added, L2 R2 added, and a PSP joystick also added, along with a IPS color display.
Currently I am porting ARES from Retro Arena to the device. As such it already has over 100 working systems, and over 35 ports. This build is heavily in development and can be updated via the options menu by the end user over the air.
The image has been set up to create an NTFS partition of the roms folder and to auto expand on the first boot. Work is also under way to get Kodi working as well. Stay tuned for more details as the project progresses!
Back the Kickstarter and get your own:
Retro Dreamer G4A CM4 by My Retro Game Case by Eddie Tay — Kickstarter
A.R.E.S Work in Progress Build 1:
bios dump bin (zip)
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